Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA: The Anadrol-50 (Oxymetholone) Legal Anadrol Alternative Supplement
The original Anadrol was initially known as Oxymetholone. Used to treat people suffering from anemia as well as a number of diseases that caused weight loss. Classed as an anabolic steroid. Meaning, it works to build muscle, largely thanks to the testosterone it contains.
Testosterone is the main driving-force behind muscle repair and growth. While final results are heavily dependent on exercise regimes along with a high protein intake.
While not uncommon for most recreational (i.e. bodybuilders) users to obtain the drugs. While using methods that aren’t strictly legal to help them build bigger muscles in a short period.
Typical side effects from Anadrol use include:
- Bloating
- High Blood Pressure
- Frequent Headaches
- Generally feeling unwell
Considering some of these potentially fatal steroid side effects, bodybuilding supplement companies have recently gone into overdrive. Researching and looking for viable safer legal Anadrol alternative. Muscle Labs USA, one of these companies, created a safe Anadrol copycat. Introducing “Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA” as their version of the safer and more natural version of Anadrol.
Anadroll, Legal Anadrol Alternative by Muscle Labs USA
Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA is designed to play a number of roles inside the body. The versatility this workout supplement offers is quite impressive; it can be used as a standalone product and it can also be safely stacked.
Likewise, Muscle Labs USA claim that the ingredients in Anadroll, formulated to encourage the body to produce more blood cells. All while delaying fatigue, especially useful during gym performances.
Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA also enhances oxygen transportation allowing for more strenuous workouts leading to better lean mass.
Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA Claims to:
- Increase strength
- Enhance protein synthesis
- Increase red blood cell count
- Enhance nitrogen retention
- Increase stamina and energy
- Enhance recovery
Note: Furthermore, these benefits are identical to what the original Anadrol provides.
Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA Ingredients
Proprietary blend shown to increase protein synthesis. Enhance testosterone. While in terms of muscle strength, this ingredient has shown to raise nitric oxide retention. Ultimately meaning more strength and endurance. Interestingly, one study noted improvements in the quality of erections. Also, better erections, because attributed to an increase in red blood cells in the body. Strength increases should inevitably be expected.
How to Take Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA
Muscle Labs USA recommend 1-3 tablets, daily. While preferably accompanied by food on your non-workout days. However, on your workout days, Muscle Labs USA also recommends taking 1 tablet around 45 minutes before working out.
Can Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA Cause Side Effects?
According to Muscle Labs USA, Anadroll, steroid side effect free. Also, not toxic to your liver or kidneys, unlike the original steroid.
How much is Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA?
Meanwhile, you can buy a 90 tablet bottle for $55.00USD.
Where Can I Buy Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA?
Finally, you can only purchase Anadroll by Muscle Labs USA from the official Muscle Labs USA website.