Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
Deca Durabolin, an extremely popular anabolic steroid that contains Nandrolone Decanoate. Nandrolone, first launched in 1960. Commercial use introduced in 1962 by a company called Organon. Under the trade name Deca Durabolin, numerous variants emerged over the years. But DECA DURABOLIN, probably still the most recognized.
Organon’s Deca Durabolin specifically contained Nandrolone Phenylproptionate. Known to be fast acting and offering less active duration.
One of the reasons why Deca Durabolin is one of the most popular anabolic steroids amongst performance athletes? Deca’s ability to be used as an off-season mass building steroid, as well as a formidable therapeutic agent. Because of its therapeutic benefits, Nandrolone, commonly prescribed by medical profession.
Thanks to the anabolic steroid controversy a few years ago, its use has diminished by the medical profession in the United States in particular, but its global use for its therapeutic offerings continues.
Deca Durabolin Features
Deca Durabolin, officially classed as a 19-nortestosterone (19-nor) anabolic androgenic steroid, meaning it’s its classification refers directly to its structural make up. Basically, testosterone minus a carbon atom at the 19th position.
Although this is only a minor change in its structure from original testosterone, it does however give it a unique steroidal make up. The base element is Nandrolone, and Deca Durabolin is attached to the large Decanoate ester, which is responsible for controlling the hormone’s release, slowing it down quite dramatically.
This allows the body to create the Nandrolone hormone without frequently injecting. Once injected, the Decanoate ester starts detaching, causing a sharp rise in Nandrolone release, particularly in the first 48 hours. From then on, this hormone continuously released for up to 3 weeks.
Anabolic Rating
Deca Durabolin carries a potent anabolic rating, even higher than testosterone. Nevertheless, is total androgenic activity is lower than testosterone’s, 37, compared to testosterone’s 100. This lessened androgenic activity is largely thanks to the hormone’s potential to reduce to dihydronandrolone (DHN) instead of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Resulting in Deca Durabolin, a milder steroid than testosterone and better tolerated by most people. The enhanced tolerance is largely thanks to its extremely low estrogenic function as Deca Durabolin does not aromatize, but it does carry a strong progestin make up.
Similar to most anabolic steroids, Deca Durabolin allows for strong protein synthesis, glucocorticoid hormones inhibition, and the enhancement of IGF-I output. Moreover, Deca Durabolin offers increased nitrogen retention in the muscles, probably more than most of the other steroids available today.
Studies seem to suggest that even moderate Nandrolone doses can massively increase nitrogen retention. Interestingly, muscle tissue usually comprises of 16% nitrogen. Although this figure may seem trivial, it’s a proven fact that the more nitrogen the muscles retain, the more anabolic the body remains. When nitrogen levels deplete, this causes the body to enter a catabolic state. Known to waste muscle.
Nandrolone Decanoate Joint Relief
Deca Durabolin, renowned for two traits that set it apart from other anabolic steroids. Although other anabolic steroids may carry such traits, Deca Durabolin offers them on a much higher level. These traits include increasing collagen synthesis and bone mineral content. Precisely why Deca Durabolin, often associated joint relief. Moreover Deca Durabolin, known to enhance red blood cell count.
Recognized for being particularly useful for treating muscle wasting diseases and enhancing geriatric weakness, anemia and fatigue. Used to treat some forms of breast cancer. Proven itself a game changer when it comes to treating severe burn victims.
Also demonstrates effectiveness in treating pituitary deficient dwarfism. As well as development retardation in young children. Deca Durabolin shows benefits of osteoporosis symptoms due to its remarkable ability to enhance bone mineral content and collagen synthesis.
Surprisingly, in the United States, this compound is only used to treat people suffering from anemia and HIV, and this is despite some strong opinions pressing for its wider use.
Nandrolone Decanoate Effects
Although the beneficial offerings of Deca Durabolin, quite easy to see, it’s off label use is of most interest to you guys. Deca Durabolin has long been a favorite amongst performance athletes, but there is currently a massive misunderstanding when it comes to its use as a bulking steroid. Some competitive bodybuilders will use Deca Durabolin during cutting phases which is surprising because that’s exactly when there is no element of bulking.
During off-season, Deca Durabolin provides substantial gains in lean muscle mass. But gains take time because this steroid is a large ester-based steroid, which means it takes time getting the results. Nevertheless, any mass achieve using Deca Durabolin, a higher quality when compared to other anabolic steroids. Although water retention is possible, it’s quite easy to control.
Most users Deca Durabolin experience increases in strength, gains probably not the strongest you will see. During the off-season, individuals can enjoy therapeutic relief which is most needed then, and this allows the body to acquire new growth with less body fat accumulation. This is not to say that Deca Durabolin directly burns fat.
Deca Durabolin Side-Effects
Deca Durabolin side-effects probably not as harsh as what you’d find with other anabolic steroids.
Estrogenic Effects
Deca Durabolin is not very estrogenic, although it can trigger minor aromatization. Aromatization refers to testosterone’s potential to convert into estrogen resulting from its interaction with the aromatase enzyme.
When estrogen levels rise, they can sometimes trigger gynaecomastia (man boobs), water retention, and increases in blood pressure. Thankfully, Deca Durabolin offers extremely low aromatization levels. Nevertheless, another factor that needs taken into account, progestin nature. Nandrolone has a strong affiliation with the progesterone receptor.Meaning it stimulates the estrogen it mechanism in mammary tissue giving rise to the possibility of gynaecomastia.
Androgenic Effects
Deca Durabolin can produce androgenic side effects although these do not occur in a large proportion of users. Possible androgenic related side-effects include outbreaks of acne, accelerated hair loss and excessive body hair growth. Side-effects, mainly dependent on genetic predispositions. Nandrolone Decanoate, reduced to DHN, largely resulting from its interaction with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme which diminishes the androgenicity of Nandrolone.
Effects on Testosterone
Like all anabolic steroids, Deca Durabolin can suppress the body’s natural testosterone producing mechanism. Although the rate of suppression varies from person to person. Nandrolone based products known one of the strongest suppressants. A simple 100 mg dose of Nandrolone is capable of suppressing all natural testosterone production inside the body. Meanwhile other studies seem to suggest around 2/3 total reduction in serum testosterone levels.
Men advised to take exogenous testosterone alongside Deca Durabolin.
Only when your Deca Durabolin cycle is complete. Any leftover exogenous steroid hormones have left your system. Your body’s natural testosterone production will resume. The recovery, slow at first and this is why some people turn to implementing a PCT (post cycle therapy) because this speeds up the recovery process.
Hepatotoxicity Effects
Deca Durabolin not toxic to the liver or any other vital organs.
How Deca Durabolin Is Taken
Slow acting and not required injected too frequently. In most therapeutic treatment plants, administered every 2 to 4 weeks. In the case of anemia, administered once a week. For performance related quests, one single injection a week is not uncommon.